Sunday Morning
We offer childcare during the service, either in the sanctuary or outside the service starting at 9:15, in our youth room area, with certified and dedicated childcare providers. Pre-reading children and their parents/caregivers are invited to the “Prayground” at the right front of the sanctuary, if they prefer to stay together. Elementary-age children are welcome to pick up a worship bag for use as they sit with their families. Children and youth of all ages are invited to come forward to participate in the Children’s Message each week.

Our Sanctuary Choir, Praise Band, and Bell Choir provide opportunities for worship and service in a variety of musical expressions. Talented vocal and instrumental soloists are encouraged to share their gifts. Anyone interested is welcome to join as we make music to glorify God.
Contact Levi Walker, Director of Music, [email protected]
Contact Levi Walker, Director of Music, [email protected]

Lay Leadership
Adults and youth are invited and encouraged to participate in worship leadership. A script is prepared each week for volunteers who lead us through our liturgy and prayers.
Contact: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected]